International Atrial Fibrillation Network ‘CIRCULAR’

The CIRCULAR consortium, led by Prof. Bianca Brundel and funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), aims to advance the understanding of atrial fibrillation and improve its treatment through collaboration with patients and healthcare providers. Focusing on bioelectrical dysfunction and biomarkers, the project pioneers new therapeutic strategies for a patient-centered approach.

AFIP foundation hearts the heart

The AFIP Foundation connects researchers and patients with atrial fibrillation. We have an ANBI status, which means that we are committed to the public interest. The AFIP Foundation’s mission is to improve the treatment of atrial fibrillation through co-creation. A team of research groups led by Dr. Bianca Brundel and Dr. Natasja de Groot, conducts innovative research into the mechanism, diagnostics and possible medicines of AF.

Our main goal is to make atrial fibrillation more treatable. Your role in that is vital, since without donations we would not be able to conduct our unprecedented research. Your participation on the AFIP forum sharing experiences with fellow patients and researchers, is also key. Together we will learn to better understand atrial fibrillation.


Atrial fibrillation from A to Z

No less than 37 million people worldwide know that they have atrial fibrillation. However, there are still thousands of people without a diagnosis. In the AFIP data base you can read all about the most common heart rhythm disorder, anything from symptoms to possible treatments.

Most searched topics

Women and Afib

Women and Afib
Written by: Ronja Laurila

Last update: March 15, 2024 This article is written by Ronja Laurila and medically reviewed by Dr. Maryam Kavousi. Why is women’s health important in atrial fibrillation? Although not obvious,

Afib Medicine

Afib Medicine
Written by: Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot

Last update February 1, 2024 The sources in this article are reviewed by Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot and translated by Ronja Laurila. Treating atrial fibrillation with antiarrhythmic drugs Cardiac arrhythmias, such as

Ablation for Afib

Ablation for Afib
Written by: Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot

Last update February 1, 2024 The sources in this article are reviewed by Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot and translated by Ronja Laurila. Treating atrial fibrillation with an ablation In patients with atrial

Atrial fibrillation and Lifestyle

Atrial fibrillation and Lifestyle
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

Last update February 1, 2024 Sources used in this article are reviewed by Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel and translated by Ronja Laurila. What can you do to prevent Afib? Health scientists emphasize the

Afib causes and risk factors

Afib causes and risk factors
Written by: Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot , , ,

Last update: January 18, 2024 Sources used in this article are reviewed by Prof. Dr. Natasja de Groot and translated by Ronja Laurila. Various atrial fibrillation risk factors Little is

Atrial fibrillation and Diet

Atrial fibrillation and Diet
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

Last update: January 18, 2024 The sources in this article are reviewed by Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel and translated by Ronja Laurila. Can Changes in Your Diet Help Prevent Atrial

Successful studies
thanks to the AFIP community

The AFIP community is an imperative link in research into atrial fibrillation. Thanks to your experiences, donations and participation, we have been able to set up the studies below.

Research into familial atrial fibrillation

Research into familial atrial fibrillation
Written by: Myrthe

What is familial atrial fibrillation? Over 3 million AFib cases have been reported worldwide and these numbers are adding up. 1 in 5 of these atrial fibrillation cases, may be

GGA: a new drug to treat atrial fibrillation?

GGA: a new drug to treat atrial fibrillation?
Written by: Myrthe Kuipers

GGA protects against atrial fibrillation in experimental models Prof. dr. In 2006, Bianca Brundel was the first researcher to demonstrate that GGA successfully protects one from atrial fibrillation in various

L-Glutamine and its role in atrial fibrillation

L-Glutamine and its role in atrial fibrillation
Written by: Myrthe Kuipers

Heat Shock Proteins Protect Against Atrial Fibrillation in Experimental Models For 15 year we have been aware of the fact that substances that increase the so-called Heat Shock Proteins (HSP)

Projects we are doing thanks to your donation

In addition to doing innovative research, the AFIP Foundation is committed to atrial fibrillation in many ways. These are our latest projects.


L-Glutamine study

L-Glutamine restores energy levels and allows for potentially increased protection against atrial fibrillation.


GGA study

This medicine aids in the reparation of cell damage and helps protect against atrial fibrillation in experimental models.

Man in Lab


Genetic AF clinic

We heard you. A significant number of AF patients indicated AF runs in the family and now we’re opening Europe’s first genetic AF clinic.

Agnes Muskens verpleegkundige stichting AFIP


Agnes Muskens

Because of your donation AFIP was able to hire Agnes: our patient communication superstar.

News and Articles

Read all about the latest developments regarding atrial fibrillation, and explore the insights of opinion leaders and prominent researchers as well as any other related news.

Holiday Hazards: Managing Afib Triggers During the Winter Season

Holiday Hazards: Managing Afib Triggers During the Winter Season
Written by: Ronja Laurila

The holiday season is a time for celebration, gatherings, and indulgence, but for those with atrial fibrillation (Afib), it can also bring hidden risks. From overeating to cold weather and

Atrial Fibrillation and Its Comorbidities: Simple Steps to Take Charge of Your Health

Atrial Fibrillation and Its Comorbidities: Simple Steps to Take Charge of Your Health
Written by: Ronja Laurila

Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is often intertwined with other health conditions. Afib alone can coexist with conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. Together, these comorbidities can increase the

Can Vitamin D Lower Your Risk of Atrial Fibrillation? Exploring the Link Between Heart Health and the Sunshine Vitamin

Can Vitamin D Lower Your Risk of Atrial Fibrillation? Exploring the Link Between Heart Health and the Sunshine Vitamin
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

Researchers are increasingly highlighting the impact of vitamin D on cardiac health. Recent studies suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may lower the risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib) and that

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation – What You Need to Know

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation – What You Need to Know
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

The European Society of Cardiology releases clinical practice guidelines every four years on diagnosing and treating patients with suspected atrial fibrillation (Afib). These were written by healthcare professionals and scientists.

Published Review Article by The AFIP Foundation: Diet-Based Solutions for AFib

Published Review Article by The AFIP Foundation: Diet-Based Solutions for AFib
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

On August 13th, 2024, a scientific review article, led by the AFIP Foundation in close collaboration with patient advocacy groups Plant-Powered Metro New York and Plant-Based Pittsburgh, was published in