Ronja Laurila

Ronja Laurila is a Biomedical Sciences student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam with plans to minor in Bioinformatics. She is passionate about incorporating new technologies as a solution to healthcare struggles, especially those concerning cardiac health. Currently, she is interning at the AFIP Foundation as an article writer.

Opleidingen van Ronja Laurila

Artikelen van Ronja Laurila

Leefstijl als medicijn: Hoe leefstijl boezemfibrilleren kan verlichten
Het beheren van boezemfibrilleren triggers tijdens de feestdagen
Holiday Hazards: Managing Afib Triggers During the Winter Season
Boezemfibrilleren en bijbehorende aandoeningen: eenvoudige stappen om de regie over je gezondheid te nemen
Kan vitamine D je risico op boezemfibrilleren verlagen? Een blik op de link tussen een gezond hart en vitamine D

Holiday Hazards: Managing Afib Triggers During the Winter Season

Holiday Hazards: Managing Afib Triggers During the Winter Season
Written by: Ronja Laurila

The holiday season is a time for celebration, gatherings, and indulgence, but for those with atrial fibrillation (Afib), it can also bring hidden risks. From overeating to cold weather and

Atrial Fibrillation and Its Comorbidities: Simple Steps to Take Charge of Your Health

Atrial Fibrillation and Its Comorbidities: Simple Steps to Take Charge of Your Health
Written by: Ronja Laurila

Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is often intertwined with other health conditions. Afib alone can coexist with conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. Together, these comorbidities can increase the

Can Vitamin D Lower Your Risk of Atrial Fibrillation? Exploring the Link Between Heart Health and the Sunshine Vitamin

Can Vitamin D Lower Your Risk of Atrial Fibrillation? Exploring the Link Between Heart Health and the Sunshine Vitamin
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

Researchers are increasingly highlighting the impact of vitamin D on cardiac health. Recent studies suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may lower the risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib) and that

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation – What You Need to Know

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation – What You Need to Know
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

The European Society of Cardiology releases clinical practice guidelines every four years on diagnosing and treating patients with suspected atrial fibrillation (Afib). These were written by healthcare professionals and scientists.

Published Review Article by The AFIP Foundation: Diet-Based Solutions for AFib

Published Review Article by The AFIP Foundation: Diet-Based Solutions for AFib
Written by: Ronja Laurila ,

On August 13th, 2024, a scientific review article, led by the AFIP Foundation in close collaboration with patient advocacy groups Plant-Powered Metro New York and Plant-Based Pittsburgh, was published in