AFIP foundation collaborates with atrial fibrillation patients and researchers among other stakeholders. We need your support to set up studies generated by our community.
What do we do with your donation?
AFIP has a General Benefit Institution (ANBI) status. The assets of the AFIP foundation are managed by the directors of the foundation. Both board members receive no remuneration for the duties and supervise the expenses of the foundation.
The foundation’s assets are used solely to maintain the website or to purchase materials necessary for the conduct of new studies. If the foundation is dissolved, all assets will be transferred to comparable foundations such as the Dutch Heart Foundation and Hart4onderzoek.
Research AFIP set up together with you
With your help we set up research which is highly needed to detect and prevent atrial fibrillation.
Other projects AFIP did with your donations
AFIP organizes informative events for patients and stakeholders and is able to hire much appreciated personnel besides performing innovative AF studies. Learn more about what we do with our funding.

L-glutamine studie
L-Glutamine herstelt energie levels en biedt potentie om te beschermen tegen boezemfibrilleren.

GGA studie
Dit middel helpt bij het herstellen van celschade en helpt beschermen tegen boezemfibrilleren in experimentele modellen.

Genetisch AF poli
Meerdere patiënten geven aan dat boezemfibrilleren in de familie zit. Wij hebben geluisterd en zetten een genetisch AF poli op in Rotterdam.

Agnes Muskens
Door jullie donaties is AFIP een communicatie superster rijker. Agnes Muskens support iedereen op ons platform.