Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

Moleculair en celbioloog bij VUMC Amsterdam
Bianca Brundel studeerde moleculaire en cellulaire biologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, waarna ze promotie onderzoek naar DNA, RNA en structuur veranderingen in patiënten met boezemfibrilleren verrichtte aan het UMCG. Sinds 2016 is zij professor bij de afdeling Fysiologie Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, waar zij zich bezighoudt met het ontrafelen van de moleculaire oorzaken van boezemfibrilleren. Voor dit onderzoek heeft zij unieke dierproefvrije modellen voor boezemfibrilleren ontwikkeld: gekweekte boezem hartcellen en fruitvliegen. Door gebruik te maken van deze modellen heeft zij nieuwe aangrijpingspunten voor geneesmiddelen en diagnostiek ontdekt. Om deze bevindingen naar de patiënten te brengen werkt zij samen met Prof. Natasja de Groot (Erasmus MC) en de stichting AFIP. Haar ontdekkingen zijn recent gepubliceerd in toonaangevende wetenschappelijke tijdschriften waaronder Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Cardiology, Circulation en Circulation Research.    

Opleidingen van Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

  • 01/09/2004 Montreal Heart Institute - Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
  • 01/09/2000 UMCG - PhDMolecular adaptation in human Atrial Fibrillation
  • 01/09/1995 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - MSc Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • 02/09/1992 Saxion University of Applied Sciences - Ing. Biotechnology

Artikelen van Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

How Do I Prevent Atrial Fibrillation In the Summer Heat?
Hoe voorkom ik boezemfibrilleren in de zomerhitte?
Interview with Dr. Kavousi: Gender Differences in Afib
Experience of Maxine: "My Mind Isn't Sick, My Heart Is."
Nu verkrijgbaar: “Je stress in balans” door Mariska Verduijn

The Connection Between Personality and Atrial Fibrillation

The Connection Between Personality and Atrial Fibrillation
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel ,

We often understand atrial fibrillation (AFib) as a heart disorder linked to lifestyle choices. But did you know that your personality can also play a role? In this article, Prof.

Trial: Using Vitamin B3 To Treat Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure Patients

Trial: Using Vitamin B3 To Treat Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure Patients
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel , , ,

The prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with heart failure (HF) is associated with an extra increase in risk for stroke development, number of hospitalisations and mortality. Given the

Lifestyle Changes Today Could Mean No AF Tomorrow

Lifestyle Changes Today Could Mean No AF Tomorrow
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel

This article has been featured in Nature Reviews Disease Primers. After extensive research into the socioeconomic and geographic risk factors associated with Atrial Fibrillation (AF), one cannot deny their role

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Diagnosis And Treatments Need a New Holistic Approach

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Diagnosis And Treatments Need a New Holistic Approach
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel ,

This article has been featured in Nature Reviews Disease Primers. Atrial Fibrillation (AF), is the most common heart disease nowadays, affecting around 7.6 million people only in the EU, most

Personalised Atrial Fibrillation Fingerprinting: role in diagnosing disease

Personalised Atrial Fibrillation Fingerprinting: role in diagnosing disease
Written by: Prof. Dr. Bianca Brundel , ,

This article has been featured in Nature Reviews Disease Primers. When Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is diagnosed, you only have information on having the arrhythmia or you don't. There isn't enough